Museo Nazionale and Ostia Antica

We went to Museo Nazionale and got to see many awesome sculptures. The highlight was seeing  Boxer at Rest, a really cool bronze sculpture. It was really cool to see it up close, a couple of us got a little to close and we set off a motion sensor. No body came running so it probable happens all the time. The rest of the museum was kind of blah, a lot of busts of people.


Ostia Antica was a really cool ancient Roman town that was a major port back in the day. It was really cool to be able to walk on the ruins. The bath’s of Neptune were really cool because the mosaics on the floors were still there like they were finished yesterday.

ROMA 4 101 This is Misha, he welcomed us to his town.

ROMA 4 124 Wagon ruts still visible on the road in the ancient ruins.

ROMA 4 129beautiful mosaics in The Baths of Neptune

ROMA 4 128

ROMA 4 143 The amphitheater

ROMA 4 144 John and Stephanie.

ROMA 4 164Mosaics in front of some shops. I think that this shop dealt with some kind of shipping.

ROMA 4 169 another shipping shop.

ROMA 4 172 grain or bread shop.

ROMA 4 178 not sure what this shop was, but it was cool.

ROMA 4 195Nate reading Marcus Aurelius at the amphitheater. It was awesome to hear how clear his voice was. Then a rude French tour guide shooed him off the stage.

ROMA 5.1 003BEAUTIFUL view out of Alexander Helix’s house.

ROMA 5.1 025a gigantic Aloe Vera plant ROMA 5.1 026and it’s friend.

Until my next post. Arrevaderci!

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