Books I Want to Read…..if I get time.

So here is a list of book that I want to read, but I have not done so because I have been busy with work and school. So here they are!

The Hobbit I want to finish reading this before the movie comes out. I have watched the animated version a bunch of times and I feel there is a lot left out of the movie and booksw are always better to prepare yourself for an epic movie like this. Holy Smokes I can’t wait!the original design for the book cover of The Hobbit - 700x376, 212kB

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. When the the Fellowship came out I started to read the book because I wanted to know if the movie follow the book. I read about half  and got overwhelmed so I stopped reading.(as I am writing this my ipod just started playing a song for the soundtrack. LOL).This summer while I am camping I am bringing them with me. Maybe the beautiful scenery will help.

This is Wallowa Lake. You are looking tpwards the campground. B-E-A-UTIFUL! A great place to read some great books!

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Anything by Jane Austen  

Redwall (Redwall, #1) I have wanted to read these books since I was little and I don’t know why I never did. These will also be my summer reading. Does anyone remember the cartoon…or was it a movie?

The Princess Bride  I love this movie, but sadly I have never read the book. I think I will getthis on my kindle :O)

I will probably think of more after I post this so here is the beginning of my list. I will most likely add more.


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am I the only one who likes romance novels?

I admit it I like them……..Okay let me clarify, I don’t go for the ones that have the half naked muscley beefy man on the cover with the equally half naked women wrapped around him and two pages in they are in the sack confessing their love for each other. I enjoy the more believable ones that stay true to real life situations like traveling to Ireland and discovering you are part of a three hundred year old fairy curse and you just happen to fall in love with a beautiful Irish pub owner, that is also part of the curse. Oh and also his two siblings also are part of the same curse, but that is  two other books in the trilogy so I won’t bore you with explaining it, you have to read them. I am also partial to some historical romance. If it is set in the Scottish Highlands I can read it in a day. When I was younger I really didn’t like to read very much because it was hard, but when I discoverd a book called Saving Grace by Julie Garwood I was hooked. another one of my other favorite romance author is Nora Roberts because she puts fantasy into real life story lines.

The books I talked about are:

Jewels of the Sun, Tears of the Moon and Heart of the Sea by Nora Roberts. She has many other books that invole witches and fairies that are AWSOME!!

I don’t care that you think I am a nut it is what I like and I hope that you might read them to see if you will enjoy them as much as I do.

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Kids books I love!

This is my very first blog post by myself! SOOOO here goes. I teach preschool so I am surrounded by children’s books all day long. Here is a list of my favorite books and why. I am adding my preschool kids’ favorite too!

The Monster at the End of this Book by Jon Stone. I love this book because it is excellent! I love that when you read this to kids you can involve them in turning the pages,

The Kiss that Missed by David Melling. I love this book because the art work is awesome. I especially love the dragon and the knight and his horse. I couldn’t find a picture to share =O)

The Dark Dark Tale by Ruth Brown. This is a Halloween favorite of mine and my class. We all know what happens at the end, but it is fun to pretend to be scared all the same. Here is a video of the story.

Any version of Cinderella. I used to pretend to be her when I was little…..well I still do sometimes ;O)

It’s not Easy Being a Bunny by Marilyn Sadler. This is just a great story about a bunny who wants to be different.

Anything By Mo Willems. Knuffle Bunny, Elephant and Piggie, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog, The Pigeon Wants a Puppy. These books are great because they are hilarious.

Gossie and Gerty by Olivier Dunrea. I love the illistrations and I love that Gossie and Gertie are great friends.

Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. I love this one because Little Pea hates to eat his candy for dinner in order to have veggies for dessert. I love seeing the reaction of the kids to Little Pea not liking candy.

The Spooky Old Tree by Stan and Jan Berenstain. Another Halloween favorite.

I’m The Biggest Thing in the Ocean! by Kevin Sherry. I love it just because!

All of Jan Bretts books. I especially love The Mitten, The Hat, and The Gingerbread Baby because the art is beautiful!

Skippy Jon Jones by Judy Schachner. I only like the first one.

Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johson.

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.

Good Night Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann

The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood.

The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. This is just a great story and I have it on DVD too!

Emily Brown and the Elephant emergency by Cressida Crowl and Neil Latyon. Narrated by David Tennant (Love him! because of Dr Who). I first heard this story on YouTube and my preschool kids listen to it all the time before we lay down for nap.

I could list lots more, but it would probably take me the rest of the term, LOL I hope you will go to the library/bookstore and read them yourself. That is what I did =O)

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